Projekt tervezési terület


Ybl Miklós Építéstudományi Kar

1146 Budapest, Thököly út 74

Óbudai Egyetem - Bécsi úti Campus

1034 Budapest, Bécsi út 96/B
© Ybl Miklós Építéstudományi Kar
Europan17 competition

Dear students,

we are launching the 17th session of the Europan competition for young professionals in architectural, landscape and urban design and students who already have a bachelor's degree on Monday March 27, 2023 on the theme:
"Living cities /2 - Reimagining architectures by caring for inhabited milieus."
Europan17 offers a platform for idea projects followed by implementation processes on 52 sites in the cities of 12 European countries.

This is why we are sending you the poster announcing the competition, asking you to please highlight it and relay the information in your school to your students but also to your teachers.
All information about the competition is on the website from March 27, 2023:

© Ybl Miklós Építéstudományi Kar