Projekt tervezési terület (en)
Department Introduction
The Department of Geotechnical and Structural Engineering was established in 2020 by merging the two specialist groups of the Institute of Civil Engineering: the Geotechnical Group and the Mechanics and Supporting Structures Group. The department teaches important subjects such as statics, solidity etc., which form the foundation of civil engineering, while at the same time teaching basic geotechnical subjects such as engineering geology, construction geology, soil mechanics etc. As from 2021, our specializations - previously Construction and Geotechnical specializations - include the specialist fields of deep and high-rise structural design, which are taken right up to the preparation of the thesis. The department operates the Geotechnical Laboratory, which, in liaison with laboratories from other institutes (computer science, building materials, etc.), supports practice-oriented training.
As an interdiscipline, the department is also involved in the teaching of environmental, legal and EU knowledge. Within the framework of the Institute, both faculty staff and invited lecturers hold the summer Geotechnical Measurement Exercise in Nagymaros. Teaching thus takes place here under the guidance of recognized experts in academic, professional and scientific public life, who consider the transfer of the knowledge they have acquired to be an important part of their profession.
Dr. Firgi Tibor PhD
- Position:Head of Department, Associate Professor
- Email:
- Office:A1424