Projekt tervezési terület (en)
Department introduction
Our department is concerned with the history of architecture and the development of settlements, planning problems and tasks related to these two main fields. Our range of subjects and related research topics covers everything from building rehabilitation, heritage conservation and landscape planning to environmental psychology, sociology, urban and community planning.
Subjects taught:
History of Architecture:
A five-semester BSc course on the history of universal architecture. The chronological teaching is relaxed by a project approach, within which each period is examined from the perspective of a different function. The aim is to enable students to orient themselves confidently in the architecture of each period and between styles, so that they acquire a comprehensive, general knowledge that can serve as a solid basis for further study and specialisation in each subject.
Cultural history:
A two-semester course on the interaction of historical, social, artistic endeavours, processes and architecture in both the Hungarian and English language sections of the MSc. The course deals with the architectural aspects and interrelationships of applied arts, fine arts and allied arts.
Architectural theory:
MSc subject. Themes include the major writers on architectural theory and their works from antiquity to the end of the 20th century, the relationship between the theory and practice of architecture in each period, text analysis and comparative analysis.
Urban studies:
The urban is studied in the BSc and MSc courses, examining the history of the formation, development and functioning of settlements, the social, economic and environmental contexts that make up a settlement, touching on the structure of the settlement planning system, settlement development and settlement planning, the processes of sustainable society, economy and the components of the settlement environment.
Landscape planning:
A course on the possibilities, tools and planning approaches of environmental and landscape planning.
Optional subjects:
Our optional subjects are typically related to the history of architecture and settlement, e.g. Hungarian architectural history, building rehabilitation.
Historic monuments survey camp:
Our department tries to link with the tradition of the school by organising monument survey camps, thus also participating in the basic tasks of monument conservation.
Our English language courses:
Professional Language A and B, and Beginning English semester courses to learn English as a professional language in architecture, from beginner to advanced level.
In addition to learning the most important business vocabulary, our Business English semester course helps students to develop their business skills in English (e.g. job interviews, negotiation techniques, presentations, business e-mail and report writing)
Dr. Benárd Aurél DLA
- Position:Head of Department, Associate Professor
- Email:
- Office:A1416
Dr. Nagy Gergely Domonkos PhD
- Position:Deputy Head of Department, Associate Professor
- Email:
- Office:A1414