Projekt tervezési terület (en)
Department introduction
There is a strong tradition of design education here at YBL, dating back to the predecessor schools.
It was the MESTER himself - Miklós Ybl - who, if not as a teacher of busy weekdays, did much to bring the school into being, but as the founder of the founding ideal of the institution. Subsequently, as chairman of the final examination board for the unique and nationally renowned 'master builder' course, he was a hallmark of the quality of the education provided here. In this exam, candidates had to design a public building at a scale of 1:200 in six hours, followed by an oral part assessing construction knowledge and calculation skills.
So without design and its teaching, there is no quality architectural education, because not all graduates will become design architects, but whether they are contractors, civil engineers, technical inspectors or experts, without the knowledge and understanding of design, it is impossible to cultivate any aspect of the wonderful profession of architect to a high standard.
An appreciation of tradition, a knowledge of tradition, the latest techniques of the 3rd millennium and the important architectural intellectual currents that run through them all, and the ability to acquire generalist skills, characterise our graduating students. This is guaranteed by the excellent team of architects: 5 professors and no less than YBL laureates and academics, together with an ambitious young teaching generation, make the department one of the strongest design teaching workshops in the country.
Prof.Dr. Gyula Kiss habil DLA
Head of Department, Professor