Projekt tervezési terület (en)
Publisher: Óbuda University Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Budapest, XIV. Thököly út 74.
Postal address: H-1442 Budapest 70. Pf. 117.
Managing publisher: Dr. habil Anthony Gall PhD
Editors-in-chief: Dr. Zsuzsa Fáczányi PhD, Dr. Viktória Sugár PhD
Chair of Editorial Board: Dr. Gábor Dombay PhD
*ISSN 2063-997X (Print)**
**ISSN 2064-2520 (Online)**
Original manuscripts written in English should be sent by e-mail to the editor-in-chief: Dr. Zsuzsa Fáczányi PhD
Submission of a manuscript to Ybl Journal of Built Environment is representation by the author that the manuscript has not been published or submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Papers, according to the template file, should be submitted in an electronic form that does not require typesetting by the editorial office. Photos, diagrams and other inserts of appropriate resolution must be sent also separately. Submission of an article for publication implies the transfer of the completed licence agreement.