Projekt tervezési terület (en)

© Ybl Miklós Építéstudományi Kar
20234 Spring semester_ MSc_DIPLOMA_VISCES

1. What is the role of place and how did it specifically impact (affected) the building you designed?

2. Talk about the spirit of place and what research you have done on this: how is this reflected in your design!

3. Analyse the relationship between the building and its surroundings.

4. How does place influence the building's form?

5. What does function mean in a narrow and broad sense in terms of shaping the building?

6. How do you interpret modernity in your own design?

7. How is tradition reflected in your design?

8. What is the role of culture in architecture?

9. How can identity be expressed in architecture?

10. How does architecture as an art relate to the other arts in your design?

11. To what extent can architectural design be considered a communal art or creation?

12. How does the use of materials as a means of architectural expression appear in your design?

13. What is the relationship between style and architecture in contemporary architecture?

14. Were there any orienting precursors to your architectural work, or what influenced it in this sense?